Looking For A Better And Faster Way to Build Your Online Marketing Business?

Simple2Advertise is your answer!

>> http://simple2advertise.com/?rid=5298

It includes customizable capture pages and lead magnets designed to deliver more leads to your site and generate sales. Just plug in your username and autoresponder list id and OFF YOU GO! Like magic, over 20 different capture pages become available for you to start sending traffic to.

Simple2Advertise is your automated lead machine.

Have you ever wished that you had a website that would capture prospects name, email, and phone number and could deliver a personalized presentation that covers all of the details of your opportunity? A presentation so compelling that is then CLOSED the sale for you and sent them directly to your company’s website under your link to enroll. That is what Simple2Advertise is all about!

Here’s how it works:

An interested prospects hits one of your capture pages that you’ve customized with your info and picked your favorite or best converting sales video or landing page.

They enter their email, name (optional), phone number (optional) and are brought to a video presentation of the opportunity.

Instantly, the lead is added to your autoresponder and you can choose to immediately follow up with them.

This is just one of the many things Simple2Advertise can do to help expand your online marketing efforts.

Click the link below to find out more: >> http://simple2advertise.com/?rid=5298
