Reddit, StumbleUpon, etc you will get s**t load of visitors in a matter of hours.
Social Bookmarking is also used for link building purposes to improve SEO rankings, but don’t confuse it for a useless method of link submission. You can get traffic even if you don’t get on the first page. It’s all about how good is your content and how many people you can get to support you.
Social Bookmarking is like a huge traffic getting snow ball on a top of a hill. It doesn’t present much danger if it’s motionless, but if you get couple of people and push to over the edge, it will grow in size and pick up speed until it hits something.
If you want your snow ball to roll down the hill and pick up speed, the first step is to make the snow ball attractive and worth pushing down. Focus on the content first, and then assemble a social bookmarking support group to help you push it down the traffic getting hill.
15. Rent-a-List
Your list is small, you don’t know SEO and you’re afraid of approaching PPC. Why not Rent-a-list?
There are list brokers that will rent you a list you can market to. I have never used this strategy myself, but there are good responses about it on the forums, so I thought you’d like to know.
16. Webinars
Webinars are great for lead generation purposes because they have a higher perceived value then a PDF report or an audio recording.
For me, webinars proved to convert as high as 50% listener-to-sale, which is outstanding.
I believe it happens because on a webinar you share a lot of information and you do it in “person”. It’s happening live whether the prospects visits or not and it elevates your social status by showing your prospects that they are not alone-there are more people who think you’re cool too!
17. Podcasting
Podcasting is similar to online video syndication only it’s in an audio format and there are different networks of syndication for them.
Podcasting is great for doing interviews with experts, getting them to spill useful information for your readers in exchange for exposure opportunity.
You can also say that it is similar to webinars only it’s recorded and posted later as a listenable audio or a downloadable file.
18. Safelists
Although the name sounds safe, Safelists should be avoided, because they are far from being a safe lead generation strategy.
The idea behind a Safelist is getting people to join the Safelist and refer other people so the Safelist grows into one huge list of people who are interested in promoting things to each other.
Only sometimes things get out of hand and a lawyer receives your offer, tells you he did not subscribe and sues you.
19. Traffic Exchanges
Traffic Exchange is a network of website owners who surf each other sites to increase traffic.
They don’t work anymore …move on.
20. Software and Plugins
Developing a piece of