Do it yourself website?:

Do it yourself website?

I need to build a website and want to do it myself. I have worked with html and flash before and am an engineer, so I’m not afraid of the technical aspects, but I’m definitely not a full time web designer and don’t want to spend all of my time starting from scratch. I also don’t want to spend $5000 to have someone build it for me.

I would like to know what options are out there for a weekend webmaster. I need something that is relatively quick to set up, but more importantly, update. I have worked with html templates that are available, but these are not easy to add images or videos as necessary. Maybe there are some good ones out there I don’t know about?

I have seen these ‘blog building’ sites and those look interesting and easy to use, but there always seems to be something critical missing, like the ability to embed a video.

Basically, I’m a tech-savvy individual, but not a seasoned web designer, who is looking for ways I can implement a web site myself. I need a professional looking website which is not too difficult to edit or add content.

Thanks for all the suggestions!
FYI, I already have a domain name, so any service I use would have to let me use that.

Do it yourself website?:

Do it yourself website?

I need to build a website and want to do it myself. I have worked with html and flash before and am an engineer, so I’m not afraid of the technical aspects, but I’m definitely not a full time web designer and don’t want to spend all of my time starting from scratch. I also don’t want to spend $5000 to have someone build it for me.

I would like to know what options are out there for a weekend webmaster. I need something that is relatively quick to set up, but more importantly, update. I have worked with html templates that are available, but these are not easy to add images or videos as necessary. Maybe there are some good ones out there I don’t know about?

I have seen these ‘blog building’ sites and those look interesting and easy to use, but there always seems to be something critical missing, like the ability to embed a video.

Basically, I’m a tech-savvy individual, but not a seasoned web designer, who is looking for ways I can implement a web site myself. I need a professional looking website which is not too difficult to edit or add content.

Thanks for all the suggestions!
FYI, I already have a domain name, so any service I use would have to let me use that.

Should you show excerpts or full posts on your blog's homepage?:

Should you show excerpts or full posts on your blog’s homepage?

I’m an independent Science Fiction author who has recently set up a blog to promote myself and my work. I’m going to be talking about writing, publishing but mostly science fiction. The goal is to draw in traffic to my blog, build up a bit of an audience and hopefully convert them into book sales.

Here’s my concern. I like my blog’s theme, particularly how it shows excerpts on the homepage with a featured picture. But I’m worried that this stops people from actually reading my content, since they have to click through to read and then click back to read more posts. Is it better to have the full posts displayed so people can just read through? I’ve also heard that excerpts is better for google rankings, as it flags up less as duplicate content, but is this really an advantage if nobody is reading?

What would you say are the advantages and disadvantages of each option?