This Stacks The Odds In YOUR Favor

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Traffic, Leads, Tools, & Money

We’ve all heard the stats in home business.

97% of people who get started don’t last.

For whatever reason this stat has stuck around for YEARS in spite of new technology, prospecting ideas, training and all the resources you could throw at a new affiliate or rep in your company.


Because regardless of the new shiny presentation… the new secret ingredient in your energy drink… even how slick your weekly conference calls or hangouts are…

… you’re STILL not going to make any sales until YOU get a real human being to LOOK at the presentation, make a decision and buy!

Don’t worry ­­ we’re going to solve this 3 step process for you today… PLUS show you a way to start profiting from something BRAND NEW.

Before we do that…

There’s an even bigger problem once you start getting eyeballs on your business.

You see, when you DO get your presentation in front of someone ­­ they’re usually not the RIGHT person. It’s kinda like opening up a surf shop in the middle of a big city ­­ great products I’m sure.. but nobody wants ’em.

This is why you get more “NO’s” than “YES’s” in your prospecting.


If you need to get the RIGHT people and the RIGHT time to see your opportunity…

Then you’re going to LOVE this new platform because it does EXACTLY that.

You choose WHO you want to get your message out to…

And this smart system does the legwork for you.

>> Click Here To See How This System Works For You Travel, Leads, Tools, & Money << See you on the inside! Frank P.S. If you hadn't figured it out yet... This means: ... More income. ... More confidence. ... Less stress. ... Zero Confusion. ... No rejection! See, for average, everyday people like you and me, it's no wonder 97% of people quit on their dreams. Frustration, overwhelm, all the hoops you need to jump through just to make a measly commission on the internet would make anyone go insane. This is why there are so many people EXCITED to jump in and get early­ bird access to this right now: >> Click Here To See How The Odds Are Now In YOUR Favor Travel, Leads, Tools,& Money<<

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Learn How YOU Can Become One Of The 1,000 6 Figure Earners We Create In 2015…

Looking for an established super mentor to get you started?

Try this guy, he sits at his desk sending traffic everywhere
and makes millions of dollars. He is now build a team of leaders
that desire to change their lifestyle via travel, fun, and a
powerful system to make money online

>> <a href=””></a>

He won’t be doing it forever so I would get in before
he closes the doors.

Yes, this is for real, his name is Todd and mentors you in
this fast paced Travel Business which is part of a Trillion dollar
industry. on the net.

THEN, he gets on webinars and conference calls to share his gold nugget
training with fellow team members to obtain success even for newbies who
have no past experience in online marketing.


Go here now, you WILL regret it if you Don’t! >> <a href=””></a>

10 Concerns To Have Before Creating A Members Only Web Site

10 Concerns To Have Before Creating A Members Only Web Site
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

1. What will be the title of your members only web
site and will it have a subtitle? Will you have a logo,
slogan or graphics for your members only site?

2. What type of content will you include in your
members only web site? ebooks, articles, software,
interview transcripts, etc.

3. Will your members only web site host a member
community? message boards, chat rooms, online
classes, online consulting, etc.

4. Will you be the only content provider or will there
be other providers? Will your ask other members to
contribute related content to your member's site?

5. How will you allow people to navigate, find or
search for information in your members only site?
Links, search engine, index, table of contents, etc.

6. Will your members only web site be sold as a
product or will it be used as a promotional tool?
Will you be promoting back end products in it?

7. Will you members only web site ad contain a
guarantee, testimonials, strong headline, a major
benefit, limited offer, free bonuses, etc.

8. What type of payments will you accept for the
members only web site? Will you be billing them
once, monthly, quarterly or yearly?

9. Will you let your prospects read a free sample?
content excerpt, ebook chapter, article, a free hour
pass, free limited membership, etc.

10. Will you password protect your members only
web site, use an honesty system or change the url
every now and then?

About the Author:
"I Was A Washed Up Restaurant Worker
Desperately Searching For A Way To Save My
Family When I Discovered The Internet And
Affiliate Marketing... 24 Months Later I Finally
Cracked The Code And Started Earning Over
$10,000.00 Per Month... Now The Same
System That Saved Me Is Available To You!" Visit:

Quote of the Day:

"You never suffer from a money problem, you always suffer 
from an idea problem." -- Robert H. Schuller

How to get started as an online entrepreneur?:

How to get started as an online entrepreneur?

I need some guidance in starting my own business online. Where is the best place to start?
what is the best way to start affiliate marketing?
I’ve been reading some books on entrepreneurship, what are some other books that you would recommend?

Including your email address would be much appreciated for further contact.

How do I set up a blog?:

How do I set up a blog?

I wish to have a rant about the Welsh Assembly members who will not represent people once elected even though the requests are reasonable. I know people do this in Blogs but I’m in the dark about such things. Could some nice person please inform me, in none to tecnical terms, how I do this or where I can find information on how to do this – thanks!