– Funnel Hacker Radio Podcast
Rachel is crushing it with Social Media, but it wasn’t always that way. She reveals the “REAL” side of life as an entrepreneur. She has a ton of energy and cares so much for the success of others that you feel her connection through this podcast. She reveals what it takes to be successful on social media and talks about her 5 day Twitter Challenge.
Show Notes:
-Rachel is the Queen of Facebook ads.
-Dave and Rachel discuss the REAL side of an entrepreneur’s life.
-The success we see in Rachel’s business is built from nearly 2 years of 100-hour work weeks, and she loves it.
-The compounding action of putting in the work for your business.
-The compounding action of putting in the work for your business.
-Rachel became so awesome by never changing who she was, sell yourself with your product.
-The importance of selling your brand.
-Rachel’s favorite traffic hacks are free.
-Rachel’s journey 5 years ago from only being able to afford shirts from Good Will as a single mom to where she is now as one of Today’s Gurus of Facebook.
-What’s the best to come for Rachel and her business?
-Rachel’s decision of quitting her 9-5.
-Rachel challenges Dave to improve his traffic from Twitter.
In a life of entrepreneurship where balance doesn’t seem to exist, what Rachel does to be with her business that she needs to and also be with her family like she wants to.
“Sometimes I think we get this really glamorous idea of what an entrepreneur’s life is like, the reality is it’s not jets and first-class and luxury all the time.”
“If you’re willing to put in the work, you literally will get success as long as you’re putting in those hours. No one is working two hours a week and having massive success.”
“If you can take action in your business every single day, whether it’s doing that thing you’ve been pushing off, we all have it. Just taking it on and getting it done.”
“I have this theory, that sometimes if you don’t ask for people’s information, payment whatever it is, if you slow down the process and really nurture the relationship you can get a lot further.”
“I didn’t know a lot about social media, I just knew more than her. That was key. I just knew more than her so I was able to help her.”
“It’s about this really deep connection, and really it supersedes anything that’s lacking. Like if your trainings aren’t the best, relationships take everything so much further.”
“Everyone gets hung up on strategies and platforms and all of these different things when in reality all of these platforms are just channels to accomplish goals.”