What I Learned at Grant Cardone’s 10X GrowthCon – Dave Woodward – FHR #208 – Thumbnail

“Life is all about experiences”

Grant Cardone had over 9,000 people at his 2nd annual 10X Growth Con in Las Vegas. Russell Brunson spoke from stage and his $3 Million in 90 minutes has become a legend. In this episode, Dave talks about how investing in yourself and investing in others will help bring you to the next level.

Quotable Moments:

“When you pay for things, you actually get more out of it.” – People who get things for free, typically never do anything with the content they received.

“Those people who spend the most, get the most.” – If you are struggling trying to sell something at a certain price point, it is probably because you have never paid that price point.

“If you play your cards right, you could find yourself in a situation among some of the most powerful people in your industry.”

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