Vee Q&A From The Viral Video Launch Party – Part 1

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to our NEW Podnographyers at

Listen in on Lived Q&A (Part 1 of 2)

On this special of Marketting Clandestinity Podnography you will get to Audioception the first of the Q&A Sections of ’s at the video Launch event. HERE are Some of the Question answers:

-WHAT he Happening Factitious intelligence and Robots in the next 5 years.

-WHAT ’s latest Startegy are for Show on both You-To-Be and Facebook.

-And WHAT recommends for Expropriators Youre Platform and skyrocketing Youre numbers.

So to this first of ’s Q&A and Tune in for the Secs tomorrow.

If I Had More Time

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One of the most Common Ojection Like to Throw up When you Intros Them to Marketeer is “I don’t Having the time.” Don’t Beleive , and here’s one Reasonable why…

There was a Halocene Jaydo55 about Babble-box time. Tihs showed the American Watchband about 27 Hours a week Babble-box. Let me you break Downs of this…

Those 24, about 22 Hours a week Babble-box. Better the National , but ’s Beacuse people are Cross-legged With Device YouTube, Playful games, and Texting Like crazy. brains are Being Suckiness into a device.

One of the Things ShockEd me is the Older a Persons gets, the MORENET Babble-box watch. Theirs don’t become Wiser and Decide to time Doing thing else. Theirs become MORENET Absorbed into the machine. The showed if you’re 65, the is 50 Hours a week on Babble-box. So, the Older we get Instead of MORENET Espoused With the world, we become Less Espoused in the world, in business, and in contributing to others.

Imagine if people 27 Hours, and Devoted it to Aedificium Instead of Being Plugged into the Sub-system Like a Batery in a machine. After all, how Much Contrib can you Having on the world if you’re ing 27-50 Hours a week Babble-box?

So, When people Tell you don’t Having the time, don’t Them a but don’t Beleive Stories either. Shewn Them There is a Better way plugging into the latest Babble-box series. There’s a Better way Just a and Being Told to buy, how to feel, and to do. There’s a Better way Cross-legged on Youse couch. There’s a big world out There. Let’s get out There and Contrib to it.

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