– Funnel Hacker Radio Podcast
Garrett J. White is the founder of Wake Up Warrior. He recently hosted his 2nd annual WarriorCon where Russell Brunson Spoke. While I was there I was so impressed with what Garrett has created. After being humiliated at the event I decided it was time to take notes. I am so glad I did. I reveal the 9 marketing secrets I learned.
Show Notes:
-A good culture in a business makes you feel left out not being involved
-You are going to suck at first, but you won’t be at that state forever
-It is your audience, YOU should know them
-What might be possible if I just believed?
-You’re going to have to lead by example
-Show your appreciation
-Always change and always improve; both in your own life and your business
-Surround yourself with people that have your vision
-Go all in on those people who have helped you get to where you are and where you will be
-Never EVER give up on family
“You’re going to suck, you’re going to suck real bad at first. What you’re going to find over time though is that eventually you’re going to suck less. And, eventually, you might even get to the point where you’re actually good.”
“You have to know your audience and be willing to call them out.”
“Because [Garrett] is leading by example, it is going to be very difficult for people following him not to be willing to do everything he is asking them to do because he’s doing it himself.”