Weird Way To Build Your Agency… Added 50 Clients In 1 Year – Ross Christifulli – FHR #198 – Thumbnail

Why Dave Decided to talk to Ross:

In one year Ross added 50 clients to his agency in addition to teaching 400 people how to add clients to their agency. His unconventional building business strategy can work in many types of businesses.

Tips and Tricks for You and Your Business:

-Ross talks about some of the things he’s done to get his agency to where it is at over the last year (6:30)

-Ross explains how offering trials works for him (7:00)

-Ross talks about the five tiers of the book Challenger Sale (9:10)

Quotable Moments:

“I was at the top of my pride cycle and it sunk me into so much debt.”

“When you exchange your time for money, you always lose.”

“What got you where you are, won’t get you where you want to go.”

“I don’t want to be at the top of my game because when I’m at the top of my game, it means that I’m on my way down.”

Other Tidbits:

Working for free through giving trials is one of the best ways to hook your clients. Once they have your product, or have experienced your product, they aren’t going to want to give it up.

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