Make Him Beg To Be Your Boyfriend In 6 Simple Steps

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Hi, I’m Michael Fiore . . .
I’m a nationally known romance and relationship expert who’s helped tens-of-thousands of women discover the weird truth about men and have the committed, passionate relationships of their dreams . . .
And I’m here to tell you that there’s a simple, step-by-step system any woman can use to finally flip the “commitment switch” in that one special man’s brain . . .
And make him beg you to be his (and only his) even he swears up and down that he doesn’t want to commit or if he sees you as a “Friend with Benefits” or an “occasional date” now.
Even better, this simple, powerful method has been proven again and again to work on almost ANY guy (no matter how stubborn he is or how desperately he’s holding on to his “freedom.”)
This method works like clockwork on . . .
* “Players” who are dating (and even sleeping with) multiple women and swear they’ll never settle down. (Follow these simple instructions and he’ll be your own personal monogamy addict who can’t even LOOK at another girl.)
“Comittment-phobes” who think “having a girlfriend” is some kind of freedom-killing prison sentence (use step 3 on this guy and he’ll crawl over broken glass to make you his and ONLY his.)
“Wounded Bears” who have been beat up and battered in relationships in the past. In love (or even just like) with a divorced guy? This is the ONLY way to break through the ice he’s erected around his heart and have him finally open up.
“Alpha Males” who can have their pick of any woman. You’ll learn how to make him choose you (and choose you NOW) while thinking it’s 100% his idea.
This 25 page report is nothing but the raw, powerful, step-by-step information you need to pry open his heart and make him yours for good.
Here’s just a LITTLE of what you’ll discover in this astonishing report . . .
* Why he’s not your boyfriend now . . . the 6 secret reasons men don’t commit even to women they love. (page 4)
* The secret and downright silly fantasy banging around in the back of his unconscious that’s sabotaged every attempt you’ve made to get him to commit . . . and how to get him to CHOOSE to grow up and be yours forever.
* Why you fell into the “Friends With Benefits Trap” . . . and how to “break out” of the “girl I have sex with” box with a guy so he sees you as you as “girlfriend material” . . . the mother of his children and the woman of his dreams.
* Why ultimatums NEVER work . . . and why “forcing” him to commit to you will blow up in your face, ruin your relationship and leave you desperate, angry and alone. (Whatever you do, do NOT confront your guy before you read this section on page 7).
The 16 word “Man Magnet Mantra” . . . Silently repeat this one sentence to yourself in your mind and you’ll be shocked at how he transforms into an eager puppy suddenly desperate for your attention no matter how “cool” he’s been in the past.
“The Death Of Possibility” . . . The real reason men are petrified of commitment and wake up in cold sweats at the idea of being with just one woman . . . (this will depress you at first . . . until you realize the astonishing power you’ve gained from this one piece of information.)
How to make him compete for you, earn you and chase you even if he’s shown no interest in getting serious with you before now.
How to get him to call you “his girlfriend” to his friends, family and even his ex without whining, begging or pleading.
And much, much more.
All packed into 25 lean and devastating pages and for less than you’d pay for a coffee at Starbucks.
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